

Lake Alakol — (Motley Lake) — (consisting of lakes Sasykol, Uyaly, Zhalanashkol) is one of the most unique lakes in Kazakhstan, located on the border of Almaty and East Kazakhstan region. The length of the lake is about 104 km, maximum width of 52 km, an average depth of 20 meters. Closed lake, the wrong pear-shaped, elongated from north-west to south-east.

Since ancient times, the lake Alakol, is known for its amazing healing properties. The water in the lake has a unique transparency (up to 10 meters) and secondary mineralization (up to 11,6g. Salt per liter). Sodium chloride salt contained in it has a tonic effect.

The therapeutic effect of sodium chloride srednemineralizovannaya lake water far exceeds the Issyk-Kul.